Magento pros and cons

If you are thinking to implement your own e-commerce and Magento is in your option list, here you have some tips to choose wisely.

Magento is one of the big players in e-commerce or e-business platforms, it is open source and could support many business models, all due to the number of good things it offers, However, an assessment of your current necessities, available infrastructure, and budget is necessary first to make a decision.

Many companies believe that an open-source platform won’t have cost but this is a totally wrong idea, you need to think about a server to store your platform, a volume to put your data, a database engine, people, SEO, CDN, etc. but the most important Not allow people without technical knowledge make technical decisions in your production stack.

Cons ☠️

  1. It is expensive because you need infrastructure to support your project, there are many options including the Adobe cloud or create your own IaaS strategy, Docker, and why not with a compose or just a swarm mode nevertheless you have to consider that all this infra needs to be supported by a compute scenario, you need to evaluate if you want to have tons of online stores or it is just one, maybe could be better get a service online like Magento Cluster .com or a get a PaaS approach in your favorite flavored cloud.

Any of these options are good just bear in mind the complexity that could give to your IT team if you decide to create it from scratch.

2. Not the best documentation for issues or trouble shooting is available on internet.

A Magento’s platform could be a pain in the neck when is the wrong set up unfortunately many problems can only be fixed by developers or creating many workarounds. i.e.

A performance degradation that impacts directly to your database server due to INSERT INTO `search_tmp queries that never ends.

If you have this issue consider refactoring the search catalog code, if you are under an Nginx increase the connections allowed too.

You never going to fix it by increasing the CPU or the Ram memory even thou Tunning your database could help but it doesn’t resolve the problem

3. Magento has many performance issues, so you need to check the documentation first, review your workflow strategy, if you go to Kubernetes think about volumes, Magento has a special way to store products so a simple NFS or a Fileshare strategy could be the best option, this difficult the idea of have replicas of your deployment so basically a node per store it is not an option and finally. don’t forget to think twice in have your database on Kubernetes.

Pros 🤩

  • Open source but there aren’t a lot of expert developers
  • It has many features that other platforms
  • Easy integration with payment platforms like PayPal
  • It is scalable up “more CPU, more ram” just be careful with a scale set strategy
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Large community

Hopefully, this encourages you to know more before to hire, implement, or develop a solution.

and remember Don’t let non-technical people make technical decisions and try to keep it simple stu…